torsdag den 15. oktober 2015

Djurs sommerland torsdag d. 15/10-15

I dag har vi været en tur i Djurs Sommerland. Det plejer at være så superflot pyntet op i hele området og i år var ingen undtagelse.

 Til gengæld var der rigtig mange mennesker.....så vi stod lang tid i kø til de større rutchebaner!! Men vejret var pænt og sol tittede frem.
 Her Alma på mini-tarzanbanen, mens de to andre tog den store, med tre ture med arm-gang!!Super seje og ingen skader eller våde fødder!!
 Vi var også inde i skydeteltet.....og helt overraskende(ihverfald for mig) vandt jeg ikke....faktisk ramte jeg nærmest intet!!! sikker på Jesper har fiflet med riflen inden.........??!!!
Inden vi tog hjem prøvede vi to vandrutche baner, så regnbukserne kom på og så var vi klar!!! Godt vi gjorde det for ellers havde det vist været en våd fornøjelse.
Hyggelige timer.......og bare en fornøjelse at gå rundt at se på alt det flotte Halloween pynt!

Ibens design class during Fall vacation 2015.

I picked up Iben and my mom in Skals about an hours and 15 min from Århus. They'ed beeing sewing for 4 days at a well-known craftmans school(apperently, for those knowing about craftmansship, sewing, design ect!!). It was a class for 2. generations and my mom gave Ibens the stay as a birthday present.
 They had a fantastic time. Iben made 2 skirts, a T-shirt, lots of hair elastics, a small purse. It was very well proud of her! She had the time of her life and they're already planning on going next year! They did a mannequin show when we came to pick her up.

VisitingVæskthusene(Greenhouses) and Botanisk Have(botanical garden), Sunday 11th, 2015

The kids had fall break for a week and Iben was on a Design - and sewing course for 5 days with her grandmother. Sunday I was not working so Jacob , Alma and I went exploring one of the sigths in Århus. The Greenhouses. To our surprise it was free of charge!!! It was rebouild and restored some years ago, but I haven't been since I studied at the University!!!

 We went through the different houses and climates, studing the different plants. It's a very interactive place, and the kids enjoyed it. Here we are after our break.....icecream and coffee, drawing before entering the Botanical Garden for a walk.
 It was absolutely beautiful with all the fall colors.......
 The big lake ind the middle of the garden.....
 Alma found beautiful leaves....this is a favorite!
 Before going home we stopped at Stor Center Nord, the local shopping center. They had a Lego theme for the Fall vacation.
 So we studied som of the figures....but they where not up for Building.......instead we got something to eat.