tirsdag den 22. april 2014

Påsken 2014 i Fjellerup

Vi tilbragte Påsken 2014 i sommerhuset i Fjellerup sammen med farmor. Vi tog derop skærtorsdag efter nogle travle dage på arbejdet op til.

 Vejret startede med at være lidt koldt,så det var heldigt der var masser af arbejde til os i haven. En masse træer skulle skæres ned og affald køres væk. Et kæmpe gammelt fyrtræ var væltet ned i skurret i vinterstormen så det træ skulle også skæres op.
 Heldigvis fik vi også nogle helt fantastisk dejlige solskinsdage med masser af sol.
 Langfredag var vi til marked i Kolind, men de havde nu ikke noget vi ikke kunne leve foruden. Iben og Jacob fandt dog ting til at give et lille nummer.

 Jesper og jeg var også ude på en go cykeltur til Bønnerup på vores relativ nye cykler og Jesper fik afprøvet sit panoramafunktion på kameraet.
 Udsigten fra cykelstyret inden turen igen gik ud på stierne og med en stiktur ind i skoven. Det er vel mountainbikes.
 Påsken bød også på "sandkage"-bagning med flotte sandkager i baghaven, ligesom den stod på fodbold.....pigerne mod drengene.

 Sørme om påskeharen ikke endnu engang havde fundet turen til Fjellerup. Man skulle finde det slik med det rigtige båndfarve afhængigt af ens alder. Altid stor succes....med ham påskeharen.

Som altid dejligt at komme i sommerhus og så er sommer sæsonen for alvor skudt igang:)!!

Altid hyggeligt i sommerhus med farmor som altid bød på masser af god mad....og så en lille lagkage:)!!

lørdag den 19. april 2014

Trysil - saying goodby!

We had a great vacation, totally reloaded with new energy to keep up the busy lives at home. Not the last time we all go again.
                                              Iben and Jacob at the harbour waiting for the ferry.
 On the ferry there where ofcourse the very famours buffet:)!! And after eating or in between were time for home work!


Jacob with the hotel on the left.
                                                            Alma.....now a true skier!!!
                                               Grandma Tove still enjoys skiing very much!

                                     Alma with her ski school - what an amazing transformation.
 Iben, Jacob and Alma got medals in a small ski race. The snow was very soft at the end of the week at the bottom of the runs.
                                                          Alma and her ski school!

Trysil - swimming and family run

Most afternoons we went to the tropical swimming pool, they even had a surf wave we tried one afternoon. A lot harder than it looked:)!!

 One afternoon Iben and my mom had arranged a orientation run with different tasks and questions to answer. Jacob and I were one team and we won!!!!!
 Giving grandpa instructions.......
 A favorite competition is always the licorice laze eating competition. Who can eat it fastest without using hands.
 One evening we went bowling......probably one on the other team who won!!

                                                                 Was it a strike????


Iben on the moguls! Her ski school only had her an another student a boy from Denmark so they basicly had private lessons......really good and she had no problem in going by herself.
                                                                A happy skiing family!
 Uncle Lars taking a nap at the sofa in the apartment. The apartment had the best view over the area and runs. It was really large and had rooms for all of us.
 Alma and Jacob making a snowman......maybe hoping for it to talk as in Frost.

Alma - a happy skier.
 Jesper, Jacob, my mom Tove, Iben and Lars on a skitrip.

Trysil- variation slopes

Here Iben, Jacob, Jesper and I are out skiing together. Fantastic......Iben skies it all and Jacob gets down the most. He wasn't too happy after the black diamond but he went twice.
 They both ski really well, fast but in control.

 Iben getting ready for the black diamond slope.
 Going up one of the plate lifts. It was quite cold on the top.
 Black diamond. The only slope they were not ready for was the 45 degree slope!! Good fun as it gives a small buzz through your stomach as you turn the tip of your skies over the top.
 Iben razing the last part of the black diamond.

Trysil- lunch

Jespers mom, Inga, was also with us along with my parents. We were 10 in total. Inga and my dad don't ski but we met for lunch. In Norway they're very good at setting up small barbeque places by the slope.
 So we met for grilling burgers and hotdogs for a couple of days. The ofter days we met in the apartment for lunch before hitting the slopes again.
 My dad the grill meister!
 We were very lucky with the weather. We had lots of snow and just a few days with a little cloudy weather. Good spring skiing and the perfect weather for Alma to learn how to ski. If it had been February weather with really cold and snowy weather she would never have learned it.
 Grandpar Jan.

Trysil - Ski school

Alma startet out between my legs and it went fine as long as I'd hold on to her. When trying to let go she'd get a small hysterical fit. She signed to ski lessons for 1 hour and 45 minutes a day. On day 2 she cried the whole time saying I'd shouldn't leave her as she couldn't ski and would never learn. After the 3 day still not happy but going up the lift with me she said " Mom, I have to learn how to ski!".
On the 4 day we skied together in the morning and I had a leash on her. She finally found out she would control the speed and the skies. When going to the lesson she said " Mom I don't want to have the leash on when skiing down to the lessons!!!" Ofcourse not......and she could finally ski!!! Big succes......as I really thought she was the child who would never learn!

 The small transportation lift from the hotel to the small ski center with the ski school, small shops and bigger lifts.
 Jacob with his ski school. Big succes from day one. Lots of danish kids on the team and he made friends with another boy Miles. They even made a play appointment at the swimming pool at the hotel.
 Alma getting off the lift assisted by her ski teacher. Her team changed ski instructors on the 3 day and it was very good for Alma. The instructors danish as he was swedish was easier to understand and he was just very patient.